Tuesday, March 9, 2010

all I see is light blue

As I traveled through the hallways today at school I couldn't help but wonder about the future even though it is one of my biggest fears, and my own worst enemy. I tried to imagine my classmates walking through the hallways old, like in their 80s. The images in my mind blew me away and it was hard for me to hold back giggling. Don't get me wrong, its not that I was making fun of everyone.. I wasn't at all, I was just interested I guess. I can't picture myself old but then again.. I don't want to. I hate change and I am dreading the future.. i'm starting to think I have a problem. There was only one other person I couldn't quite put old features on though, he is one of my closest friends... I don't know why but I just couldn't... maybe its because of his colorful and childlike personality and the ability he has to make someone smile by his laughter and just seeing him smile and his dimples stretching across his cheeks. He has the wisdom of an old person but I can never imagine him flaunting the features. I never want him to lose the child in him because that is what makes him who he is and who I love a lot even if we aren't as close as we used to be.

1 comment:

  1. You know what... it's probably best if you hold that image of him as the youth...

    and of you as the youth too...

    because (and this is only an opinion)

    we're all already dead.

    Not old and 80...

    not out of high school or retired or anything like that...

    we are all dead and gone before we were even born.

    What we think of as time is an illusion. It doesn't progress in seconds and minutes and hours and years like we might like to think...

    the way I see it, there is only one moment... and that is the present... there is no past or future... only right now...

    and that now lasts as long as I've been given... and then it's gone...

    I imagine you think I sound like a pessimist... but the thing is that I don't feel like anything has changed since high-school. Sure that was "ten years ago", but I'm still me. I still feel and think and hope and wonder like I did back then... not much has changed except the conditions...

    So then here's a challenge...

    When you walk down the halls at school... ask yourself how any of that is any different than any of the "old people" you know in "old age homes". How are the games different when you're 19 vs. 90?

    Then ask if perhaps this is the wisdom your friend had learned....

    Age is nothing but a number... and happiness is a choice...


    Hope you're well, and thanks for stopping by my blog... I appreciate what you have to say....

