Tuesday, March 10, 2009

cradle me in a crater

photography Pictures, Images and Photos

once upon a time
i was a little girl
seat belt tight in the backseat
driving around town "just to get some fresh air" my mom would say
getting my little girl hopes up thinking one day i'll drive too
but that's not my reason for writing this
i'm not going to ramble about sitting in a car
..in the backseat
when i used to look to the sky
out of the car window
pitch black sky over my city
i'd see the bright moon
following my mother and i in her vehicle
my mom would be talking to me about who knows what
but i didn't pay attention much..
all i wanted to think about was that moon following us
i wanted to know how it could do that
i felt so lucky because i thought that it only followed us
no one else
when the ride would finally end
mother would unbuckle me and walk towards the house
while i stood there outside pondering at the still moon high above me
"until tomorrow my friend" i would whisper
then skip towards the house with my innocent little face
no care in the world
besides always wanting that moon to be there
up high above me
by my little side

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