Monday, September 28, 2009

eye like you

I'm discovering something new
this ocean blue

i'd like to wade through the water
catch a ride on the two waves
deep blue
crash into you

if the tide pulls me in
i'd be alright
because this ocean current has me
in a tight hold
feeling weightless

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


it feels like there is a concert going on in my head
sound after sound after scream after jump
and then comes the encore
the loudest part of the event
going on in my mind
filling every empty space with noise
its never ending
a never ending song
a continuous repetition
playing over and over
this mind is weary
but i'm in control
over and over again
i have the remote
i'm shutting this place down

Saturday, September 5, 2009


may angels play their harps
may that lulling music fill the air
so we have a sense of placidity
a belonging tonight
aren't they fed up with watching over us?
having responsibility and trust
may I play a harp
may my lulling music fill the air
so they get to rest
drift away tonight
those guiding lights
need to heal tonight


that bird's wings have been clipped
no longer can it fly away off into the horizon
instead it sits perched on a tree branch
singing a song
so sweet, so long
so broken, so...
hushed lost
is the bird
singing a song no other bird can hear
as it cries out one last tune
prays for a witness
the bird forgets
that its wings are clipped
jumps out of that tree
the bird is free