Thursday, February 26, 2009

"If you live to be a hundred i want to live to be a hundred minus one so i never have to live a day without you" -pooh

i popped a quarter into the sticker machine today
i was hoping to get a winnie the pooh sticker with pooh holding honey
just for you
i know how much you adore winnie the pooh
out popped the sticker i wanted
it was like fate took over the sticker bubblegum machine
i'm planning on giving it to you tommrrow morning
i didn't tell you yet
so its a surprise


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you asked me
a question
it made me tilt my head to the side
"do you have second thoughts on your ex?"
i was trying to think of the right way to answer it
running certain words through my head that would fit
answering your question
i didn't have a chance to tell you on my computer
it froze
or my cellular piece of crap
it blacked out
i'm answering your question
right here
right now sweetheart
no i do not have any second thoughts
not now
not tommrrow
or all the days that take place after tommrrow
i want you and only you
no one else in the school or on the planet
can change that
no matter how hard they attempt
i love you and only you
i don't want to write a whole book
nor a whole poem
i'm just going to stop typing words now
because no amount of words can explain to you how much i love you
cheezyness indeed
the truth? you betcha

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

argh i'm a pirate

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smiling, smiling, smiling
it seems thats all i have been doing
one long week of joy
no tears of hurt painting my cheeks
tears of happiness, yes
and nothing but it
i smile everytime i see you
i smile everytime you hug me
i smile after you kiss me in the hallways at school
i love the look on your face like you want more
i smile at my thoughts "wait until later cutie!"
i smile because of your accomplishments
I smile because of your jokes
I smile especially at the thought of being with you
I love you sums it up

Monday, February 23, 2009

midnight sky crayon

Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

while i sleep i dream
with you
with me
a dream with your adorable smile
a dream where your holding me tight
a dream of love and nothing but it
a dream of security
a dream with your gentle, kissable lips
a dream of your lulling heartbeat
a dream hearing your gratifying voice
this dream isn't only when i'm asleep
this dream is also when my eyes are open
with you
with me

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Midnight sky Pictures, Images and Photos

i wonder what your thoughts are
all locked up in your head
while we lay here keeping each other warm
its snowing outside
mother nature recognized a day for romance
falling asleep in your secure arms
hugging you in this warm bed
your hugs captivate me
i love for that one instant i'm the girl
your holding tight
and no one else
can come between us.

Friday, February 20, 2009


picture Pictures, Images and Photos

the thudding of your heart almost sings a song
i lay my head on your jukebox
to take a better listen
it's playing a fast rap song
i look up at you and you just give me that warm, familar smile
i'll never get tired of seeing it
your jukebox switches songs
into a lullaby

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a penny for your thoughts

street lights Pictures, Images and Photos

..who are you?
can you even see me?
through the darkness of night
its really foggy outside
being alone, looking at a stranger scares me
i'm scared
i want to shout your name
i wish i knew it
all i can see are your eyes
..well one eye atleast
glowing like the stars
..ha get it?... starry eyed.
..this is no time for joking around though
i want to move farther out to you
my legs unfortunatly won't make any movement
wouldn't it be great if there was water surrounded all around me? like i was a little island?
so then you could throw a life saving device out to me and pull me into you
will you move closer?
i don't bite
i'm sure you don't either
i wish you weren't a stranger to me
i'm sure you wish that i wasn't a stranger to you
you're so tall!
..and skinny
i wish i was like that too
stranger you are so lucky
you look so confident and full of no worries or fear
just standing there straight with perfect posture
although i wish you would stop winking your eye
its giving me a headache

Monday, February 9, 2009

clap like thunder

clothes on line Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm sitting on the patio in front of my home
grasping green chalk in my right hand
with the bucket of sidewalk chalk within arms reach of me
i wish i had a clue of what to draw
but so many things are green
green green green
ooo! i have an idea!
i lost it.
i feel like my mind has a few gliches in it sometimes
like i should be remembering more and saying more
am i normal?
i hope so...
i need a mood ring
because i could tell what my mood is right now
i honestly have no clue.
remember how i said i think my mind has a few gliches?
well...uhm... darn! i lost it again..
i'm not getting very far on my drawing
in fact.. i didn't even start...
well that does it!
i'm staying here until my drawing is a complete masterpiece!
even if i have to stay out here until the moon takes the sun's place in the sky that case i need to start pronto!
now i know what to draw!
ugh! there goes my poor mind again!
a mind!
a brain.. with a functioning mind!
if only i could cut that part of the pavement off
and switch brains
so i could have a wonderful mi-...uhh...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I want it to be warm enough to wear flip flops.

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I sit around
watching them, waiting
waiting to say something
wanting to hear my own voice
longing to belong
when the time comes
when I have an opening, a chance
.......*chatter* *giggle* *whisper* *talking*
i'm back waiting again